Love, in and out, Of you

n my mouth i hold you,
your black hair shimmering against the soft sparks of
light which escape your eyes,
blue and green
and a million colors in between like the spectrum of heaven
facades amuse
slow motivation, quickens,
courage sits abused, in my stomach,
it rapidly weakens
as does your breath as you seem to focus on the creamy texture
of your painted oceans,
and i on the creamier textures of your sun kissed thighs,
your fingers trace thick lines of remembrance
as thick as my lips, which press on considerably-
of what? or whom could distract you so?
i would never know
but then again, that is why i am here.
questions linger but so does the smell of
salty tangerine hemispheres,
your orange and pink fingers grace me
as i taste each one individually,
i sign on the
prints, forged forever-ness
each line a thump up against the purity
of the rigid page
an opposing take on this inquisitive love
it waits for you to mistrust it
and uncoil the knuckles of society that bind,
combine with me as i swallow
and we can satisfy the gods at once
together, you Michelangelo, and i Shakespeare
literary nonsense muted with your skin,
no iambic pentameters here, my dear-
just blots of artistic muses
with thoughts of something genuine
and rushed blood clots
which caught me
off guard
closing  in on me
like the blurred nights
of our dear friend Vincent.


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