lifestyle of the youth

reject to project
some kind of monotony-
a simulacast of the perfuctory systems,
of my heart
and unconsicious subconsious.
too docile,
too conscientious-
let us rage
life is too long not to die young-nihilist move no further!
the fire of passion, yes it burns
but so does Robert's infamous ice-
let us dwell here for
a preview of the ultimate
end of any of our conjured tomorrows,
swept up in one drifter's
instrusive glance.
the wandering eye does
ever so much
for one's lecherous reflection;
not to mention, Echo's
imitation of
Narccius's lathargic complexion-
these solemn blonde hairs
gone ary,
they can't satisfy themselves,
so away they hide in the thickets
tangeles and knots of my
auburn trees,
like little snakes, they slither around,
seeking you, for my rapture blinds as well as yours.
they'll soon to love you,
as much as i do.
let us commence to
strangle those who believe
and see-
so we all dissipate
into the same world-
parallel warped


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